Changes on maternity leaves
From now on, the special maternity protection leave (6month from OAED) won’t be offset with any other maternity leave.
Specifically women who receive 6month from OAED are entitled to receive the entire 30-month reduced working time period (or if this period is granted in the form of a continuous leave) before or after the six-month period.
The 30-month child care leave (leave work 1hour earlier), which starts at the end of the maternity leave, ends in 36 months, but only for women who use the 6month from OAED (30 months + 6 months).
**It remains at 30 months for those women who do not receive the 6month, either because they are not entitled to or because they do not wish for a variety of reasons.
From 16/11/2018 the period of reduced working hours and the period of continuous leave (six month is not deducted) is affected (expires in 36 months) of those women who are currently in this interval (after the childbirth) and not of those who the maternity leave has expire.

HR Department
Analog Group